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Pastor Kenny and First Lady Corrie Craig of Union Missionary Baptist Church-Embracing Change while Continuing a Legacy Of Service

Writer: Yanice Y. JacksonYanice Y. Jackson

In 2024, Union Missionary Baptist Church (UMBC) is reaching another milestone, celebrating 132 years of rich history. After the retirement of Pastor Melvin T. Jones the Church started its search for another man of God to carry the torch and Pastor Kenny Craig and First Lady Corrie Craig are dedicated to continuing the ministry's legacy.

Courtesy Photo-Reverend Kenny Craig Pastor of Union Missionary Baptist Church. A published author, he released his first book “Interlopers: The Difficult People and Life Experiences That Prepare Us for Greater” in October of 2017 reminding Christians of the process by which God leads people to places of greater influence and responsibility. A 20-year veteran in Law Enforcement, Pastor Craig served as a Deputy Sheriff, School Resource Officer, Criminal Investigator with a Violent Crimes Unit, Administrative Lieutenant, and retired as Administrative Captain responsible for campus operations for the Department of Safety and Security with the historic HBCU Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee.


Originally from Ripley, Tennessee, Pastor Craig felt called to ministry at an early age. His dedication to a life of ministry was solidified after reading the Gospels in a college dorm room while attending the University of Tennessee at Martin. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice from UT Martin and is also a graduate of the Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy.His passion lies in preaching and teaching in the church and the community, as he strongly believes in giving back to the community where one lives.


Courtesy Photo-(L to R) First Lady Corrie Craig and Pastor Kenny Craig.


In 2013, Pastor Kenny earned a master’s degree in Christian studies from the Southern Baptist Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. During the height of the pandemic, he recognized the nationwide need for spiritual leadership. In response to the changes brought about by COVID-19, particularly the shift towards virtual services, he sought to address this need. Seeing the evolving landscape of church services, Pastor Kenny and First Lady Corrie were called to serve at Union Missionary Baptist Church in Lansing, Michigan in February 2023. They began their tenure there in May of the same year.


UMBC Sunday Morning Worship Service - 6/16/24


Recognizing that church services would be different going forward, Pastor Craig committed to reaching out to the community beyond the church walls. He and First Lady Corrie have implemented several innovative programs to aid in the church's evolution. They remain open to innovative ideas in response to the changing times. Regardless of the changes, they are dedicated to helping others connect with God and build a spiritually balanced Christian lifestyle.

Pastor Craig honors the tenure of Rev Dr. Melvin Jones by encouraging Christians to identify and use their spiritual gifts and to be led by the Holy Spirit in all aspects of life. Union Missionary Baptist Church, established near the Capital Loop in the heart of downtown Lansing, has a history rooted in faith. It is the first and oldest African American Baptist Church in the city. The Sunday morning worship service at UMBC takes place at 11:00 a.m., either in-person or broadcast live via Facebook and YouTube. For further information on events and service times or to contact Pastor Kenny, please visit


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