Courtesy of Scott Bean - City of Lansing
Mayor Andy Schor announced today that a total of $83,750 was recently awarded to nine arts and cultural organizations that will be creating vibrancy and excitement in Lansing in the upcoming year. The City of Lansing’s Arts Projects Grants are funded through the annual City of Lansing Arts and Culture Grants program and are administered by the Arts Council of Greater Lansing.
“We are so proud of this grant program and the support it offers our arts and cultural organizations,” said Mayor Andy Schor. “The Arts and Culture Grants provide funding that highlights the important work our community organizations do to make our city one that is vibrant, growing and economically thriving. These dollars help them to bring forth projects, festivals, concerts, educational experiences and more that enrich the lives of our residents and draw tourists to our region and our downtown. With every effort we make to feature Lansing as an arts destination, we support our area's tourism industry, our business owners and our entrepreneurs, all those folks that make Lansing prosperous.” The City of Lansing Arts and Culture Grants are designed to assist arts and cultural organizations in the creation of community-driven artistic projects that capitalize on Lansing’s assets. The projects combine inspiration and innovation that contribute to creating a “sense of place” for residents, businesses and visitors. The Arts Project Grants specifically look to fund projects and programs that increase accessibility to arts and culture for everyone and engage our communities in the process, while also adding growth and visibility to our city. The Fiscal Year 2023 Arts Project grantees include the following: Capital City Film Festival; Lansing 5:01; Lansing Art Gallery and Education Center; Lansing Matinee Musicale; Lansing Poetry Club; Lansing Symphony Orchestra; Michigan Institute for Contemporary Art; Michigan Dance and Movement Collective; and REO Town Commercial Association. “We congratulate our 2023 recipients and send our sincerest thanks to them and to the Arts Council of Greater Lansing for their work in administering the Arts Project funds. Through their work, our organizations get the support they need to make these project ideas come to fruition for all to enjoy,” Schor concluded. “Administering the City of Lansing Arts Projects grants is an honor we look forward to every year, and we are so excited to see the 2023 projects our area organizations have planned,” said Meghan Martin, Arts Council executive director. “Mayor Schor and the City of Lansing have made arts funding a priority for our region, and we are so grateful to them for supporting arts and culture and believing in its power to make Greater Lansing a destination city. Our arts and cultural organizations bring vibrancy and opportunity to our region, and they truly are deserving of this support,” Martin said. For more information regarding area arts funding, arts projects and upcoming grant opportunities, visit the Arts Council of Greater Lansing’s website at www.lansingarts.org.