Courtesy Photo-(L to R) City of Lansing Mayor Andy Schor, Terry Fraizer-Sweet Encounters Bakery Lansing, Rebecca Bahar-Cook, Capitol Fundraising AssociatesTeresa Barcy-Professional Party Planner
Today, ahead of the presidential debate, Lansing Mayor Andy Schor joined local business leaders for a roundtable to highlight how President Biden has delivered for working Michiganders where Trump failed.
In office, Trump left our economy in shambles and raised costs — from overseeing the loss of over 280,000 Michigan jobs to leaving small businesses shuttered due to his failed COVID-19 response. Participants in the roundtable highlighted how President Biden has delivered for working Michiganders and small businesses — helping create over 400,000 new Michigan jobs.
“Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans are doubling down and doubling down on their policies that are going to further hurt small businesses. [Trump is] running on a promise to extend and even expand his tax scheme,” said Lansing Mayor Andy Schor. “When small businesses were struggling during the pandemic under President Trump, we had to jump in and help out many small businesses ... When President Biden came in, they took that on and they said Main Street is important. They
passed millions of dollars worth of dollars on the street that we can use for our small businesses. So, President Biden hasn't wavered, under [former] President Trump, we weren’t heard.”
“[Under Biden] we have our spot to be able to hire our staff, to be able to be part of the Lansing downtown community in Michigan. And all of our employees once again, we're hiring locally, and we're able to reinvest right back into the community,” said Terry Frazier, Sweet Encounter Bakery. “Small businesses aren’t ready for another [Trump] administration ... We have to get out there and vote.”
“Underneath Biden, our business has just tripled, has just grown downtown,” said Teresa Barcy, Professional Party Planner. “And before that, with Trump in office, we were not as busy. We were not getting the tax breaks [we are getting through Biden].”
“The tariffs that Trump is suggesting, quite frankly, worry me because I think that's going to make all the cost of goods go up,” said Rebecca Bahar-Cook, Capitol Fundraising Associates. “The effects of the policies that Trump is proposing, international trade tariffs ... affects the cost of goods and services that my employees have to pay, then we are going to have to figure out a way to make that work and that's going to be difficult.”