courtesy of CADL
Lansing, MI – Capital Area District Libraries (CADL) has been named one of five finalists to receive the 2023 Digital Michigan (DigMich) Newspaper Grant from the Clarke Historical Library at Central Michigan University. The DigMich Newspaper Grant aims to improve access to Michigan newspapers by providing funds to scan and place previously microfilmed Michigan newspapers online. The funds can also be used to microfilm, scan and place a straight run of a Michigan newspaper online. CADL applied for the grant in hopes of digitizing 1970-1977 copies of the Ingham County News newspaper. The paper was the central news outlet for all Ingham County news and served neighboring communities that were not covered by large city newspapers. Additionally, the papers from 1970-1977 covered several historical topics and provide a rich political history that is of interest to multiple Michigan communities. Learn more about CADL’s application here. “Like most archives, we have many materials that are not easily accessible to researchers. The Ingham County News has already been digitized through 1969 and we are hoping to add several more years to the digital resources,” said CADL Local History Specialist Heidi Butler. “Central Michigan University provides excellent newspaper digitization services, as we learned when we digitized several area African American newspapers with them in the past, so we hope to be able to use their services again.” To be awarded the grant, CADL needs help from its communities. During this week (Feb. 20-28), community members can vote for CADL by going on Twitter and tweeting #DigLansing. Each unique tweet is counted as one vote and the hashtag that gets the most votes wins. Community members can tweet as many times as they want, but not via retweets. Users’ Twitter accounts must also be set to “public” for votes to be counted. To learn more about this campaign, visit https://www.cmich.edu/research/clarke-historical-library/services/digmich-newspaper-preservation/digmich-news-grant. About CADL: Under the leadership of an appointed Board of Trustees, CADL serves most residents in Ingham County and part of Eaton County. With 13 branches and a Mobile Library, CADL’s service area includes 23 different municipalities. Its system is funded through a district-wide millage. CADL is excited to be celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. Learn more at cadl.org/25.