The Lansing Board of Water & Light (BWL) and more than a dozen nonprofit organizations and community partners will host a CommunityResource Fair tomorrow, Tuesday, March 19 from 2-6pm at the Letts Community Center,1220 W. Kalamazoo St., Lansing. The fair is designed to help connect BWL residential customers and greater Lansing residents behind on their bills to information on resources and financial assistance per available funding and eligibility.
These events have now helped an estimated 2,000 BWL customers catch up on nearly $3 million in past due utility bills. The fairs are free and open to the public with no pre-registration necessary. A full list of community partners include:
BWL Customer Service and Hometown Energy Savers
Capital Area Community Services
Capital Area Housing Partnerships
City of Lansing Economic Development & Planning
City of Lansing Office of Financial Empowerment
DivDat Kiosk
EVE (End Violent Encounters)
Greater Lansing Food Bank
Ingham County Health and Resource Navigators
MDHHS Division of Environmental Health
Nation Outside
State of Michigan Treasury Unclaimed Property
Tri-County Office on Aging
Women's Center of Lansing
For more information about what assistance is available, visit www.lbwl.com/shutoffprotection.