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Community Advocacy Organization

“Independent Women” Brings Attention to Women & Women of Color in Art

Courtesy Photo: Independent Women by Lost Girl Vision

Melina Brann, Christina Castilla, Patty Johnson, & Aminah Lott

Present “Independent Women”

A Showcase at The Women’s Center of Greater Lansing

Saturday, March 26th at 7pm

1712 E Michigan Ave, Lansing, MI 48912

(Lansing, MI) – To celebrate Women’s History Month, four female artists of color, Melina Brann, Christina Castilla, Patty Johnson, & Aminah Lott, are collaborating to present “Independent Women”, a showcase at the Women’s Center of Greater Lansing. The event will take place on Saturday, March 26th at 7pm. Tickets are $25.00 and a portion of the ticket proceeds will go to financially support services provided by the Women’s Center of Greater Lansing! You can purchase tickets to the showcase online via Eventbrite:

Courtesy Photo: Independent Women by Melina Brann

“Independent Women” brings attention to the contributions of women, and women of color in art. “There has not been a standard roadmap to follow when it comes to making a living in the arts,” says Melina Brann. “For women, it has been more difficult – for women of color, even more so.” Currently, less than ten percent of fine art in galleries and museums are created by women. Women artists make up only three to five percent of major art museum collections in the U.S. and Europe. In films, female characters receive about half the screen time and dialogue as male characters. Statistics like the ones mentioned have inspired these women to present this showcase.

Courtesy Photo: Independent Women by Christina Castilla

The event was created because Melina, Christina, Patty, & Aminah wanted to give a voice to the barriers they continue to face, but also show that there are reasons for hope. “We are encouraged by Susan Fisher Sterling’s visionary leadership at the National Museum of Women in the Arts and are inspired by the giants like Betty Carter, Ella Fitzgerald, and Sarah Vaughan,” says Brann. She continues, “As artists and women of color, we wanted to create a space and time to showcase our exemplary talents and what we can do when we collaborate.”

About the Artists:

Melina Brann is an emerging acrylic painter who wants to make sure that Black women are portrayed as beautiful as they are. Melina’s art aims to confront the lack of representation in art and prompt appreciation for Black bodies.

Christina Castilla is a career Artist, Creator, and the Owner of RL Designs. She is the mother of 3, and her mission in art is to send love, peace, and happiness through her art to the community.

Patty Johnson is an upcoming visual artist who specializes in realistic painted portraits on stretched canvas. She is the owner of Paint Me Patty.

Aminah Lott is an emerging artist & creative professional with a passion for higher education. She is a painter, illustrator, & writer. She holds a bachelor’s degree in social science from Michigan State University.

For more information on Independent Women & to purchase tickets visit:

Facebook Event Link:


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