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‘WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE - Being Prepared for the Unexpected’

We do not know what life will throw our way. Safe guards are necessary to protect our future. Being proactive will assist us in the time of need. Preparing for the unexpected is very important. The Lions Club of Michigan’s, Family and Women Symposium, at The Sterling Heights Club House, 12828 Cana Rd., Sterling Heights, MI on Saturday, May 18, 2018 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Media Contact: Lula Gardfrey, 313.410.9778

The symposium will give a framework to assist us in reviewing areas that affect our quality of’s life: catastrophic incidents (major illness, incapacitation, loss of job, death). Our speakers: Attorney Rodrick Green (Green & Associates LLC), Ellis Liddell (ELE Wealth Management), Ethelyn Carroll (State Farm Insurance) and PCC Robert Jenkins (Sterling Heights Lions Club) will give you insights into the who, why, when and what actions should be taken. The symposium will provide relevant information to the public that affects their quality of life and provide contacts so further examination of these areas can be done. It will show the parallel between the humanitarian services the Lions provide and the participant’s unexpected catastrophes. It is intended to pique the interest of non-lions so they will want to seek further information about Lionism. The information presented will benefit families, single parents, single individuals, women and men.

The Lions Clubs of Michigan are part of over 46,000 clubs in over 200 countries which make up Lions Clubs International ( Lions Clubs International was started in 1917 by a businessman named Melvin Jones. One hundred years later it has become the world’s largest service club organization with 1.4 million volunteers acting on the same premise: improving their communities. The club members work tirelessly to aid the Lions’ projects: Leader Dog for the Blind, Eversight Michigan, Bear Lake Camp, Beaumont Silent Children Fund, Lions Hearing Center, Penrickton Center for the Blind, Diabetes, Pediatric Cancer and many community projects.

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