Deadlines are five days prior to insertion
High-quality print PDF is the preferred format.
Finished ads must be supplied in CMYK, with all fonts embedded at 300 dpi.
All digital files MUST be a minimum of 300 dpi.
Most website images are 72 dpi, a resolution which is not suitable for print advertising.
All digital images will be accepted in .tif, .eps and .jpg formats.
All vector images (Illustrator or Freehand) must be saved as an .eps with all text converted to outline.
Word documents will not be accepted for final output.
Ads sent in camera-ready are subject to final approval by the Newspaper publisher.
We do our best to accommodate section requests or select a reasonable alternative. We cannot guarantee that ads of a competitive nature will always be separated.
For an additional 25% charge the Chronicle Newspaper will guarantee the page where an ad will appear, but not the position on the page. Guarantee applies only if the page is available for advertising. Color ads must be on a color page. Available color positions are not determined until the layout process is complete, so the section can be guaranteed, but not the page. Minimum position upcharge is $30.00. If guaranteed placement is not available, the ad will run without guarantee charge—regular rates will apply.
Churches and public service non-profit organizations whose primary function is to raise funds for charitable causes, are given a discounted rate. Individual members of a bona fide merchant association may qualify for a discounted group rate when the association runs a promotional section. Contact your Advertising Consultant for qualifications.
On occasion, it may be necessary or appropriate for the newspaper, in its discretion, to change or reject advertising copy, with or without the advertiser’s approval. The newspaper has the right to place the designation “Advertisement” above any advertisement. The newspaper reserves the right to refuse advertising for any or no reason.
All ads will be proofed for errors by our staff. Advertisers may request that a proof be emailed, faxed or delivered to their place of business for ads larger than 5 column inches. We’ll gladly deliver or mail tearsheets of your ad to you. Electronic tearsheets will be provided upon request.
All advertising copy that represents the creative effort of The Chronicle Newspaper and/or the utilization of creativity, illustrations, labor, composition or material furnished by it is and remains the property of The Chronicle Newspaper, including all rights of copyright therein. Advertisers cannot authorize photographic or other reproductions, in whole or in part, of any such advertising copy for use in any other medium without the express written consent of The Chronicle Newspaper.
The Chronicle Newspaper
2843 East Grand River Ave
East Lansing MI, 48823
The Chronicle Newspaper 2024 Rate Card
We want to do more than just sell you advertising space. Our purpose is to help your business get results. This rate card will help you maximize your investment in advertising
Why Advertise with the Chronicle?
Our website is growing at a fast pace and currently has more than 3000 visitors per month. Your news, sales promotions, and Advertisements can appear on our website as well. Your advertisement will surely be noticed by our readers and website visitors.

A print ad in the Chronicle Newspaper with a website add on will surely keep our readers aware of all of your special promotions and advertisements. Please keep in mind that if you don’t see something that is within your budget we can customize a package for your specifics needs